Items where Author is "Coratella, G"
Allen, W.J.C, Keijzer, K.L., González, J, Castillo, D, Coratella, G and Beato, Marco (2021) Chronic effects of flywheel training on physical capacities in soccer players: a systematic review. Research in Sports Medicine, 31 (3). pp. 228-248. ISSN 1543-8627
Beato, Marco, De keijzer, Kevin, Fleming, A, Coates, Amanda, La Spina, O, Coratella, G and Mcerlain-naylor, Stuart (2020) Post flywheel squat vs. flywheel deadlift potentiation of lower limb isokinetic peak torques in male athletes. Sports Biomechanics. ISSN 1476-3141
Beato, Marco, Bigby, Alexander, De keijzer, Kevin, Nakamura, F.Y, Coratella, G and Mcerlain-naylor, Stuart (2019) Post-activation potentiation effect of eccentric overload and traditional weightlifting exercise on jumping and sprinting performance in male athletes. PLOS One. ISSN 1932-6203
Young, D, Mourot, L, Beato, Marco and Coratella, G (2019) Match-play demands of elite U17 hurlers during competitive matches. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. ISSN 1064-8011
Young, D, Beato, Marco, Mourot, L and Coratella, G (2019) Match-play temporal and position-specific physical and physiological demands of senior hurlers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. ISSN 1064-8011
Young, D, Mourot, L, Beato, Marco and Coratella, G (2018) The match heart-rate and running profile of elite under 21 hurlers during competitive match-play. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (10). pp. 2925-2933. ISSN 1064-8011
Beato, Marco, Coratella, G, Stiff, Adam and Dello Lacono, A (2018) The validity and between-unit variability of GNSS units (STATSports Apex 10 and 18 Hz) for measuring distance and peak speed in team sports. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (1288). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1664-1078
Bianchi, M, Coratella, G, Dello Iacono, A and Beato, Marco (2018) Comparative effects of single vs. double weekly plyometric training sessions on jump, sprint and COD abilities of elite youth football players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Aug 18). ISSN 0022-4707
Coratella, G, Beato, Marco and Schena, F (2018) Correlation between quadriceps and hamstrings inter-limb strength asymmetry with change of direction and sprint in U21 elite soccer players. Human Movement Science, 59. pp. 81-87. ISSN 0167-9457 (In Press)
Coratella, G, Beato, Marco, Milanese, C, Longo, S, Limonta, E, Rampichini, S, Cè, E, Bisconti, A.V, Schena, F and Esposito, F (2018) Specific adaptations in performance and muscle architecture after weighted jump-squat vs body mass squat jump training in recreational soccer players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. ISSN 1064-8011 (In Press)